Law Office Zoubková, Ltd.


„I devote my time, my energy and a significant part of my life to law.“

I truly love justice and the law, as well as the challenges that led me to the establishment of my law firm. I dedicate myself fully to my clients and clients' cases. Each of them comes with a story, the resolution of which we seek and pursue. My philosophy is a truly individual approach.



Office Plzeň

Office Praha

Law Office Zoubková, Ltd.

Headquarters, Plzeň Office:

Křížkova 479/1
301 00 Plzeň

+420 608 258 681

Praha Branch Office:

Živcová 990/22
153 00 Praha

Appointments only after prior arrangements.
Thank you for your understanding.

Billing details:

IČO: 17695988
DIČ: CZ17695988